Sunday October 29th, 2006

Days till race day: 33
5km time: ~ 00.38.00
This week: 7x3 + 1x3

Feeling: a smidge bit more hopeful... a smidge.

Today was the first day of my training schedule that it did NOT rain. You would have thought that the bright sunshine, being able to run atleast 5 pounds lighter without the water, the lack of those girls and the crisp air would have produced a stellar run. Ya, not so much. By the end of the first seven minutes all I want to do was crawl home crying. My knees hurt, my lungs hurt, I was coughing, it was cold, my hands were too hot, I didn't have time to take a drink, I felt like I was dragging my body behind myself. It was bad. But one of my group leaders gave me the encouragement I needed to keep coming back. He told me that I could probably finish 40/400 if I could keep my pace up on race day.

Alright, its something to work for.

So I just kept going. And while I started off first in the pack I finished 3rd from last. But I finished. And I didn't quit. I didn't walk (except when it was time to) and even when I wanted to collapse on the sidewalk I just thought about putting one foot in front of the other. Just one foot at a time.

I did this before, and it was so much harder then, so I can certainly do it again.

On another note, I have been seriously considering treating myself to some true running gear. You know, actual running pants, a running shirt and a jacket... and maybe even that cute hat with the ponytail opening in the back. Since the day I started I have been running in oversized sweat pants, not meant for being outside, an old tshirt and well worn jacket. I know that the proper equipment could only stand to improve my performance, but part of me just isnt' ready to let go. I lost 40 pounds running in super thick sweat pants, an old tshirt and exteremly worn out tennis shoes... in the middle of the summer. Maybe part of me just isn't ready to not be fat anymore. Maybe part of me isn't ready to put on those super tight running pants and prance around downtown London anouncing to the world. "here I am!".

But then again... if I can get down to my goal race weight, prancing around town in tight pants may not be so bad.

Nine pounds, 8 minutes and 5 weeks to go. Feet dont' fail me now.

Friday October 27th, 2006

Days till race day: 35
5km time: ~ 00.38.00
This week: 7x3 + 1x3

Feeling: doomed.

Running with a group of ladies, as old as your mum, is a great way to build your running confidence. It makes you do crazy things like sign up for 5km races and actually get serious about trying to get in under 30 minutes. Ah yes, all was fine and dandy in running club until they joined. I'm talking about the girls, who hardly show up for practices and spend their running time chatting about how great they are and not trying to keep their teamates going. They also refuse to take their one minute walks as they are just "so beyond that".

Now, having researched the night before, on the world records times for the 5km I was well rehearsed in how fast it is humanly possible to go. So I just couldn't resist when one of them procliamed she could run the 5km in 13 minutes "back in the day".

"really? wow, thats pretty fast"
"ya i know, I used to be really good"
"ya well i'd say, seeing as the world record is 13 minutes"
"oh... did I say 13? i meant 20"

It's a good thing it was dark so they couldn't see me throwing up in my mouth, just a little bit.

Wasn't run club supposed to be fun?

And if she is that good. Why is she here?