Sunday, October 28th, 2007

Next Race: January 13th, 2008 Walt Disney World Marathon
5km time: 00.28.35
10km time: 00.59.00
1/2 Marathon time: 02.12.14
This Week: 23km long-run

I ran today for me. The me inside. The me who used to be fat. The me who never thought she could.

You did Laura, you did it.

23 km, the last 10 just as good as the first 10, the last 3 just as good as the first 3.

I did it.

I did it.

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007

Next Race: January 13th, 2008 Walt Disney World Marathon
5km time: 00.28.35
10km time: 00.59.00
1/2 Marathon time: 02.34.12
This Week: 16km long-run

THIS is what I work for. A rave run.

I knew it was in me, I just had to find out where.