Tuesday, December 30th, 2008
Next Race: Around the Bay 30km (???)
5km time: 00.28.35
10km time: 00.59.00
1/2 Marathon time: 02.11.56
Marathon time: 05:26:20
This Week: Just get out the door
Running after sleeping all day (after working all night) was not working. I was so completely exhausted between waking up some time around dinner and heading off to work around 10pm that the thought of running was too much to handle. And when I did go running it was too much too handle. I proved that nicely when 2 weeks after completing the Toronto Half I fought through 5km doing 1 and 1.
So I took nearly 3 months off and got nearly 3 times chubbier.
And now its time to try something new. This morning. After working for 8 hours I will run at 7.15am when I return home from work. As I write this it is now 4.52 am and I am exhausted.... trying to convince myself that running before I go to sleep will not only help me sleep better but will somehow be easier and less daunting.
After all... I like watching the sunrise... right?
5km time: 00.28.35
10km time: 00.59.00
1/2 Marathon time: 02.11.56
Marathon time: 05:26:20
This Week: Just get out the door
Running after sleeping all day (after working all night) was not working. I was so completely exhausted between waking up some time around dinner and heading off to work around 10pm that the thought of running was too much to handle. And when I did go running it was too much too handle. I proved that nicely when 2 weeks after completing the Toronto Half I fought through 5km doing 1 and 1.
So I took nearly 3 months off and got nearly 3 times chubbier.
And now its time to try something new. This morning. After working for 8 hours I will run at 7.15am when I return home from work. As I write this it is now 4.52 am and I am exhausted.... trying to convince myself that running before I go to sleep will not only help me sleep better but will somehow be easier and less daunting.
After all... I like watching the sunrise... right?